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탈출 호흡기 SCape CO-CBRN30

ILC Dover SCape® CO/CBRN30 시스템은 NIOSH 승인을 받은 유일한 전원 공기 정화 탈출 호흡기로, SCape 이산화탄소, 화학물질, 생물학적 물질, 사능 오염물로부터 30 동안 보호를 제공합니다.

  • Government workers
  • Chemical processing workers
  • Control room operators
  • Chemical storage facility personnel
  • Travelers to high risk regions
  • Pipeline workers
  • Military dependents
Why SCape CO-CBRN30 from ILC Dover?

Lasting Protection

Delivers 30 minutes of protection against a broad range of threats, including carbon monoxide.

Positive Airflow

The system’s battery-operated blower provides positive airflow inside the respirator hood, eliminating the sense of claustrophobia, reducing panic, and allowi

Assisted Activation

Blower activates when product is removed from package for increased protection and reduced physiological burden.


No nose-cup or mouth-bit increases comfort and ability to see the wearer’s face.

Universally Sized

Single-size unit eliminates logistics burden of using a sized product.

Non-Intrusive Design

SCape users enjoy a panoramic field of view and can perform a wide range of critical tasks, such as using a cell phone or mobile radio.
New: SCape® CO/CBRN30의 모든 정보를 확인해 보세요.

SCape®가 이산화탄소와 다른 오염물로부터 보호를 제공하기 위한 유일한 탈출 마스크로 인증되는 이유를 알아보세요.

  • Certifications/Compliance - NIOSH CBRN Air-Purifying Escape Respirator
  • Shelf Life - 5 yrs
  • Storage Self-contained in sealed container
  • Material - High performance polyolefin/barrier laminate
  • Visor Clear hood and large visor - 360-degree
  • Flow Rate - 64